OEM Design

OEM Design Solutions

More Control assists in each stage of the machine lifecycle. More Control works closely with machine builders to ensure your machines suit your application requirements.

OEM Design Applications

More Control has designed in numerous automation applications for OEMs. From singular small machine applications or ongoing complete automation systems, More Control offer expert technical advice and support.

OEM Design Support

More Control provides extensive support for OEMs, from product selection, design and build of machines to on-going support and maintenance.

If you need assistance in designing in machines or are looking for parts for your machines contact More Control on +44 (0)345 00 00 400

OEM Design Solutions

More Control has cultivated an experienced team of software and design engineers who work closely with machine builders to develop specific control solutions.

It is our mission to ensure we are up to date wit the latest technology and then apply this automation knowledge to meet specific customer requirements.

A new machine often uses many aspects of automation, vision sensing, RFID, PLC, control servo positioning, pneumatic movement, and all protected with the latest safety products to meet the latest regulations. By outsourcing the initial design, our customers do not have to employ and keep trained highly skilled expensive automation engineers when they wish to develop their machinery.

More Control is available to assist with the initial design and development during specific periods in the design cycle of a machine. Then throughout the life cycle of a given machine, More Control can provide on going support to our customers or on their behalf, directly to their customers.


OEM Solution: Filling and Counting Machines

More Control OEM Design When KBW Packaging decided to develop a new range of tablet counting and liquid filling machines, they turned to More Control for assistance. Working in conjunction with KPW's sales team and mechanical design team, More Control provides ongoing electrical and system expertise to produce the automation for their new machines.

By providing ongoing support, More Control were able to offer KPW Packaging, cost effective solutions to logistic supply with a full kit of parts and complete control panels on others, and therefore the time to assemble the machines was greatly reduced. This enables KPW to concentrate its efforts and resources on the sales of these machines globally.

If you have an application or an OEM machine that you wish to have designed and developed, feel free to contact us and one of our technical engineers will be able to determine the ideal automation solution for your machinery.


Motion Control Applications

Working with an innovative food engineering company, using ultrasonic slicing technology, More Control has helped design and developed the software in a range of ultrasonic slicing machines. By providing ongoing technical support, this has enabled the company to concentrate its efforts and resources on the promotion and development of their line of machines.

Paramount to the continual success of this company was their ability to work alongside customers to design and develop machines and custom automated solutions to exact requirements.

Using ultrasonic slicing technology and robotics they specialise in food processing with proven expertise in the cheese, bakery and pate industry. More Control know that the reliability and performance of your machines is a vital consideration to your business.








Office Address 

21 Drakes Mews
Crownhill Industrial Estate
Milton Keynes

Tel: 0345 00 00 400

Email: sales@more-control.com

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